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Streuner: Buergermeister von Montreal


Liebe Kollegen und Mitstreiter,


der an uns weitergepostete Musterbrief an den Bürgermeister von

Montreal, Pierre BOURQUE, hatte leider ein paar grammatikalische

Fehler intus. Die überarbeitete CANIS-Version findet ihr im Anhang.


Schickt bitte fleißig Mails an Mr. Bourque, der den Streunerschlächter

von Bukarest, Traian Basescu, zu besuchen gedenkt.





PS: Wenn ihr den Musterbrief verwendet, und als Privatperson schreibt,

vergesst bitte nicht, alle „we“ und „us“ durch „I“ zu ersetzen, sonst

schickt ihr Briefe im Majestätsplural, was eher skurril als empört

wirken könnte.





Mag. Alexander Willer




Hier der Musterbrief:

Re: Your visit to the Mayor of Bucharest

Dear Mayor Bourque,

News spread that you are about to make an official visit to Bucharest

and its mayor Mr. Traian Basescu. Whereas we are convinced that there

is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that you wish to visit

Bucharest and its local authorities, we urge you to reconsider whether

you really want to meet with Mayor Basescu who has widely proven to

be a politician with a dictatorial behavior. He not only disregards

the most elementary basis of the internationally accepted animal

protection standards but he also refuses basic democratic rights to

Bucharest's citizens by publicly threatening participants of peaceful

demonstrations to have them beaten up.

Although having signed an agreement with several international animal

protection associations, under which Bucharest's stray dogs were to be

neutered, vaccinated and either adopted by private persons or returned

to the place where they had been picked up, Mr. Basescu started a mass

slaughtering of the animals. Under his extermination program, the dogs

are killed in the most barbaric ways, causing unbelievable pain to the

animals: strangulation, clubbing, poisoning with strychnine or

injecting magnesium phosphate in the animals heart without previous

anaesthesia are the methods applied. In fact, the animals are tortured

to death. The killing of the dogs is carried out by unskilled

employees of the city's street cleaning services, lacking even the

most basic knowledge or training. To justify his actions, Mr. Basescu

wilfully operates with half-truth, misinformation and figures of

which he perfectly knows that they have been proven wrong, not only by

recognized specialists but even by his own people. Whereas the reputed

university professor Mr. Mihai Voiculescu (head of the commission in

charge of monitoring the stray dog program) said, that according to

his research there are some 60.000 dogs in Bucharest, Mr. Basescu

operates with figures between 200.000 and 300.000. He also pretends

that more than 22.000 people have been bitten, but this figure, again,

has never been confirmed by Bucharest's medical authorities. Some

weeks ago he caused a panic in Bucharest pretending that rabies is

spreading and that the army might have to be brought in to eliminate

all stray dogs. One day later, Dr. Narcisa Mirica, director of

Bucharest's Sanitary Veterinary Office confirmed that not one single

case of rabies has been detected in the capital.

Dear Mr. Bourque, we urge you to use all means at your disposal and to

throw all your influence into the scales to stop the canozide in



Alexander Willer

CANIS International





Schwerer Fall von Misshandlung

Hund so gequaelt, dass er verendete

Bergisch Gladbach. Ueber einen Fall grober Tiermisshandlung

berichteten am Sonntag Abend zwei Zeugen der Polizei.

Sie hatten gegen 20 Uhr einen Mann auf dem Gehweg Am Rodenbach

beobachtet, der einen Hund, den er an der Leine fuehrte, mehrfach

getreten, angebruell t und einige Male an der Leine hochgezogen,

sodass das Tier in der Luft zappelte.

Die Polizei traf den Hundebesitzer wenig spaeter an der Ecke

Velsenstrasse/Robert-Schumann-Strasse auf einem kleinen Rasenstueck

sitzend an.

Neben ihm lag der offenbar misshandelte Hund.

Die Beamten stellten an dem Vierbeiner Verletzungen fest und brachten

ihn zu einem Tierarzt. Von dort wurde das Tier in eine Tierklinik

gefahren, wo es a m Abend aufgrund seiner Verletzungen starb.

Gegen den 24-jaehrigen Mann, dem der Hund gehoerte, wurde eine Anzeige

nac h dem Tierschutzgesetz erstattet. Ihm drohen eine Freiheitsstrafe

bis zu drei Jahren oder eine Geldstrafe.


AW: Ich hoffe 3 Jahre sowie ein lebenslanges Tierhaltungsverbot!




